Complete dishes
Works in progress
Not every recipe works first time round. This section may contain some I'm working on.
The recipes may be inappropriate or just plain incomplete. Caveat coquus.
Recipes to try
I have received these recipes from multiple sources. I intend to try them out, but I
haven't got round to it yet.
Retired recipes
These are recipes that I have cooked, which aren't bad, but which I probably will not
cook again.
One-night stands
These are recipes that I have tried once and will probably never make again. I'm
keeping them here mainly for reference.
Possible breakfasts
Chinese food
I'm including a couple of Vietnamese dishes here so that they don't get lonely.
Indian and Malay food
I do a lot of Indian and Malay cooking, so it's convenient to break out the recipes into
a separate section. The Malay cuisine is distinct from the Indian, of course, but the
dishes are compatible: it's quite possible to eat a meal with both Malay and Indian
food, so I've grouped them together here.
Other recipes, including accompaniments