The pages on this server are copyright of Greg Lehey unless otherwise stated. Usage is governed by the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license. To quote the description on the Creative Commons site:
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. Others can download and redistribute your work just like the by-nc-nd license, but they can also translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on your work. All new work based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature.
In addition to this license, I allow commercial use of these pages under one of the following conditions:
You contact me and we negotiate conditions, which may or may not require payment.
You do not contact me and choose to owe me the sum of Australian dollars (AUD) 10,000 per page or image.
The purpose of alternative 2 is to make it attractive for you to contact me before using my work.
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