Greg's diary
December 1967
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This page contains a significant number of German words and phrases. Possibly Google Translate can help, though it's pretty flaky.

Friday, 1 December 1967 HH
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Oh my God, what is wrong with me? Woken by Matin around 1030 this morning, and he had a penitent letter from Jayne for me, and so I read that—I have more than a sneaking feeling that she will not be here for Christmas, or any of the time after.

Had breakfast after that, and then felt damned tired, and so back into bed until about 1300 hrs, when all sorts of things were in full swing, and so I decided to have lunch before going off to the Jnstitut, which was all very well apart from a problem of just what to eat. Eventually settled for a pepperpot, which I have had since April, and about the keeping properties of which I was getting rather doubtful. Cooked it as far as I could according to the recipie [sic], but it certainly tasted nothing like a fresh pepperpot, despite the claims of Erin foods ltd. to the contrary.

We must have bought this in Kuala Lumpur as rations for the Asia trip.

Off with Matin to the bank, where I left him and went to the Uni, and go there to discover that I had cooked another lot of Mist. I have had this—what did I do wrong this time? Has somebody been tampering with my Analysen?

Clean up as best I could in the labs, which entailed cleaning down 4 benches with naphtha and then waxing the things, and thoroughly cleaning out a fume cupboard—now I know why everybody gets their Kittels so dirty.

Then into town and got some money, with which I bought a new strap for my Edixa (my old one having given up the ghost), and bought some food at Kaufhof, and off home to cook and eat it, and then almost immediately off again to meet Gudrun, who did not turn up, so rang her up, and she said something about her boyfriend being against it. Shit!

Fed up, off to the Crazy Horse opposite the ZOB, where I was with Corinna a few months ago, and the Pieces of Mind were just starting there, with the result that there was an enormous celebration on. Astonishing being gedutzt by a waiter, but that seems to be what the place is like. Danced with a few girls, but didn't get very far with any of them, dammit—if this goes on much longer, I am going to remove my beard (which shows about how desperate I am!). Took some photos of the celebration, with the result that I got several orders from them for prints. They had some birds with them, wearing the shortest mini-dresses I have ever seen—their arses were actually showing. No good photos of that, unfortunately. Gave up after finishing 2 HP4's, and off home to get them loaded as quickly as possible, and started developing them just after midnight, when I ...

Saturday, 2 December 1967 HH
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... had a cup of coffee with Matin. Did one HP4 FF/DD in Promicrol (2000 ASA) and the other with Acufine, and by the time the first was hanging up, the second was dry, and so got round to some printing. Lighting contrast was abominable, and there are plenty of burnt out highlights from the FF/DD—odd. I shall have to do some tests on FF/DD.

FF/DD is a technique for forcing higher film speeds. It stands for “Fast film, dilute developer”, and allows much longer development times. I can't find any reference to it on the Web.

Finally finished everything, and stuck it all up on the mirror to dry, and into bed at about 0430—my legs felt as if they would refuse to carry me, after all that dancing last night.

Did not sleep too heavily, and woke up feeling not too tired on several occasions, but didn't actually get up until Frau Plehn came in round 1300 hrs, tickling around and nearly uncovering me. Got up, and started making myself a breakfast—most of the photos were already dry. The atmosphere here much be dry as a bone.

Had an omelette—first for about 7 years—for breakfast, and Matin, who had been keeping similar hours, in to say hello, and I later in to talk to him. Did some washing up, on which Frau Plehn insisted—not a bad idea, either. I must learn some tidiness, and the sooner the better.

Then in again to talk to Matin, mainly to try and persuade him to come shopping, but he was exhausted because he had not fucked a girl for such a long time, and so had to have an hour's sleep, even if it was only alone. Left him to it, and off to have a bath, in preparation for tonight, and then slowly back to life, and in to wake him up, after which we went into town, and there to the Kaufhof, where, as usual, I blew more money than Matin. I might be able to learn something from him.

Off home again, and had an Abendbrot, and then got changed—Frau Plehn giving motherly advice on what tie to wear, offering perfume, and at the end „Freut euch, Kinder!“ The old bag isn't really so bad, when it's all boiled down.

At the ball, managed right at the beginning to loose [sic] 5 DM, which somewhat annoyed me, and arranged to borrow some from Matin, and then upstairs, danced around a bit with a tart who didn't seem very interested in me, and then about with a rather nice, if plump, blonde who did. Upstairs with her—she is in her last year at school, and wants to study psychology, probably at the FU Berlin—well, I could always move there if it got that serious. She was exceptionally nice, anyway, stayed with me the whole night, though she would not let me kiss her—in other words, she wants to see me again—and so off to Dammtor again, when she had to leave, and then home, where Frau ...

Sunday, 3 December 1967 HH
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... Plehn was wondering what was wrong, but was delighted that Matin was, for once, out of Karen's reach. Did nothing for a while before going to bed.

Woke up again late, not having dreamt about Annelie, though as soon as I woke she was in my mind again—this is going to be something big, I can see it (or I hope to God it will be something big, anyway). Matin in wanting to know if I had managed to fuck her, so I told him the whole story, and he told me his—he is apparently intent to meet Renate again, after having danced with her a while last night. People of Matin's type make me wonder if life is worthwhile at times, the way they disguise their animal instincts so little. I don't want to know Annelie just to sleep with her—I quite honestly want to fall madly in love with her, and she with me—and I somehow feel that this would be a better match than with Jenny Hallett. She could probably help me forget Jenny, too. Oh, what the hell—I've got to strike while the iron is hot, or it will be like with Gudrun—6 day miracle.

Into the kitchen, and tried a dish of my own design, which would have been wonderful had I remembered that Gulaschfleisch is as tough as nails and bought something else. I think I shall have to explore the possibilities of Hackfleisch. In any case, into my room to eat it—boy, my jaw muscles must be in pretty good trim by now—and then decided to clean up my room again a bit in the hope that I would be able to persuade Annelie to come here this evening.

Then out to ring her up, and after one phone went out of order on me, got on to her, but she was not allowed out, and so arranged to meet her at the Staatsbibliothek tomorrow after lunch, and then off, disappointed, back home.

Sat around for a while, listening to the radio and playing the recorder, and then decided I might as well go off to the Crazy Horse, and see what I could dispose of there. Accordingly numbered all the photos I had and which I thought might be worthwhile, and off, got in without paying on condition I was not too long, and almost as soon as I got in was pounced upon by birds who wanted to see the photos, and so, after checking that the band weren't going to be around for a while, showed them what I had. Then followed a mad rush of taking photos, orders, etc, which kept me going most of the evening.

Met another bird, also English [the band was from England], who had joined the band, called Barbara Adams, whom I rather like, and home I might try something with. This tart from Rotterdam, whom I met the other night, got me to get her car out of the place for her, and then I took the opportunity to kiss her—might try more next time, if all goes well. Home to do some FF/DD on the 2 HPS I took, but again completely blank. Must be the film, or something.

Indeed, it's surprising that there was nothing at all on the film. I didn't note whether the marginal markings were present.

Monday, 4 December 1967 HH
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Up at 0900 again this morning, as planned, despite the fact that I had not been up in the morning for the past 3 days—the old stunned feeling is returning, however.

Downstairs to see what there was in the way of post, and discovered a letter from Mum, but could not find the key to the box, and so left it and had breakfast.

After having breakfast, renewed attempts to get a key to the letter box. Matin, who had intended to be up at 0700, was still in bed, and suggested I got the key from Frau Plehn, which I eventually did, exercising remarkable self-control in the process, and as a result missed my tram to the Staatsinstitut. Read the letter while waiting for the next—the old Straits $ has been devaluated, but the new $Mal has not—fower [illegible], etc, riots in Penang (so these were, after all!), and then got on the tram, whose way was blocked by the second car accident I had seen in a few minutes, so got out and waited for the boat, and then 10 minutes late to the lecture, where I discovered I had forgotten my notebook, and so gave it up as a bad job, and up to the lab with a view to doing my analyse, but my mortar was still empty, and downstairs again, where I got a lecture from Lamps [another student] about slacking—that fellow, I suspect, has not had a happy past.

Then off into town, and had a look round, but apart from buying Modern Photography, did little. To the HK&S bank, where my money was not yet, and then sat on the Jungfernstieg, read Modern, and to the Mensa, and then looking around the “Basar fremder Völker” downstairs in the Audimax—it strikes me that the malay word from which basar (or bazaar) is derived is surely pasar, and not, as I have been led to believe, besar [big].

Correct, up to a point. “Pasar” is derived from the Farsi بازار (bāzār).

Or maybe they were originally the same word.—To the Bibliothek, and there met sweet, dear little Annelie—I am falling for that kid—and made an application for a magazine she wanted. Then to Dammtor, where she had to catch a train home, and so I came with her as far as Elbgaustraße, and we had quite a nice conversation. She is, I think, also keen on me—kissed me goodbye as we parted, though I shall obviously have to teach her how to kiss. Arranged to meet again tomorrow—every day, if possible, beloved! Home again, for the laugh of it via Berliner Tor, and then almost immediately off to sleep. Woke up about an hour later, and a bit later off to do a bit of shopping. When I got home, did some printing—one advantage of the fact that it gets dark here so early in Winter—and did all except the 10×8s before makan.

Cooked myself some meat balls, which bore little more than a superficial resemblance to Mum's, but which nevertheless tasted quite good, and then proceeded to waste 10×8 paper [25×20cm, and thus relatively expensive], so gave it up as a bad job and early to bed.

Tuesday, 5 December 1967 HH
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Oh, my God, what have you done to me, Annelie? I didn't get to sleep this morning until well after 0230 (estimate), and, although the alarm went off, I didn't hear it, somewhat to Matin's understandable annoyance. Went in to see him at 0830, when I did wake up, and he had meanwhile decided not to bother, and that he would sleep in. Back into the room, and did the same, sleeping quite a way in, nearly to 1200 hrs, and then got up, and was asked by Matin whether I had been down to the post box, which was bright when I was still dressed in my bedclothes.

Eventually got dressed, and down to get an enormous quantity of mail, including a letter from Melbourne Uni—a lot of use now—and one from Mum, copy of a letter to Bev telling her when she was coming to and leaving Germany.

After that, realising that Bev would be here next Saturday—I was expecting less than 2 weeks notice—decided to write a letter to her. I wonder if it will entail another trip to Fuhlsbüttel [airport]—much more romantic than the Hauptbahnhof or ZOB. Still, we shall see, though I would like to take Annelie out to the airport.

Had some makan—warmed up last night's meat balls—and then off to the Uni only just in time for the psych lecture, which was more than usually interesting, though thoughts of Annelie kept me from paying very close attention. I have really been geschmissen.

Then to the Staatsinstitut, where I got my Analyse, and stuck it in my Arbeitsplatz, and then off to the Staatsbibliothek to meet Annelie, who was there, although I was too early. Unfortunately, book for her was not there, and so we went off empty-handed. Then off again—this bird never has any time—and she had to go and see her Grandmother at Wandsbeker Chaussee about a coat. Went with her as far as the S-Bahn Halstelle [sic], but then, after she had bought some coffee and a little statue, she said I might as well go along with her to her Oma's, and so did. She is not so warm today as yesterday, I don't think—maybe it is just my imagination. In any case, with Annelie's support resisted Oma's attempts to overfeed me, and together we discussed a poem about Spatzen—she really seems to take my word for it: „Gibt es so ein Wort als Technisierung?“, which rather tickled my ausländisch fancy. What the hell. I think she is starting on her period today—3 times to the bog in an hour, and then doesn't want to see me until at least Friday.

Off eventually, and Oma saw me to the door—nice of her, but meant I couldn't kiss Annelie goodbye. Then home, too late to buy any makan, and spent a bit of time tidying up, after which did a bit of reading. Frau Plehn showing old memories—Matin and I reckon she must be 79. Boy.

Wednesday, 6 December 1967 HH
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Bugger Frau Plehn! She came in this morning at 0700 and turned lights on, and told me to get up. Turned the lights off again, of course, but I didn't get back to sleep—just lay there, thinking of Annelie. That tart has really got too much of a hold on me, without, I fear, me having much of a hold on her—still, maybe I am wrong there. Still, I will be happier when I have spent a bit of time alone with her, preferably in my room—she should be good in bed. With such thoughts, half-slumbered until 0840, when the alarm which Matin put in for me went off.

After that, got dressed and brokefast in more or less conventional way, and down to get the mail. Letters from the bank, and my letter to Lesley returned from Ventnor, where it has been sent on. Never heard of her—odd.

This doesn't make much sense to me any more. Ventnor is on the Isle of Wight, not too far from Brading, where the Halletts lived. I don't think that Lesley had anything at all to do with it.

Then to the Jnstitut, where I got on to my Analyse, which, for a change, contained no Ba⁺⁺, though there was some SrSO₄ put in just for spite. Had a go at it, and had everything out by lunch, but decided, in light of recent results, that it would be well to go off over it all again after lunch. Posted yesterday's letter to Bev, and tried to drop Barbara a note, without success. Then off to the Mensa for lunch, and back again afterwards to the labs, where I carried on with my tests. I think I must have been thorough this analysis about twice as thoroughly as any before, and if I make a balls of that, I shall be ready to scream. This is certainly not doing my self-confidence any good whatsoever.

After finishing, got into a fight with Lamps, in which I concluded that his water-filled rubber bulbs are wetter than water out of a wash bottle.

Off into town, and discovered money awaiting me at the HK&S bank had been sent to the Dresdner bank—good. Did some shopping at Karstadt, and then to see „Vergiß nicht, deine Frau zu küssen“, which was good—it is amazing how just about every film one sees now shows women's breasts—5 years ago it would have been virtually unheard of.

Off home after that, and Matin still not home—odd. In any case, pretty quickly got myself a makan ready, and then to my room to eat it and to do a bit of reading—managed to get a „Quick“ from Frau Plehn, which was better than the Wachturm [sic] a Jehova's Witness sold me this evening—their secret service must have tracked me.

After that, had a bath, while Frau Plehn did some ironing, and think I got away without her noticing—will make up for the 1DM I paid on Saturday, anyway.

Pretty early to bed—now I also have to take the time I spend thinking of Annelie into account.

Thursday, 7 December 1967 HH
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For some reason, didn't hear the alarm when it went off today—slept right in again until Frau Plehn came in and woke me up, saying she wanted to tidy up. Swore, turned the light off, and off again to sleep until she again came in. Woken up again, and lay there for a while thinking about Annelie, before getting up. Matin along, and in to say hello, and then I went down to get the mail—a bit of mail from England would be nice, but apart from a few things from SOS-Kinderdorf, all we got was a statement from the bank that my money had arrived.

After that, as well as breakfast, decided to go off to the police headquarters in Berliner Tor, and caught in the same extraordinary weather I was caught in last time I was there. Then upstairs, where I filled in a form, and was given a 3 month Aufenthaltserlaubnis, during which I have to have another medical Untersuchung, from a different standpoint.

Off to the labs, my heart pounding madly, but I got the thing right! Berjaya! I hope this is the start of a serious of all correct analyses.

Then off to the Staatsbibliothek, where the magazine which Annelie wanted was not there, and so off again, after arranging to get a few books on psychology. To the Mensa for makan, and then into town, saw a Praktica FX2 under the Porst name, and discovered they are now selling an FX3, in other words crappaflex (i.e. Pentaflex).

Back to Wiesernhavern, and tried to get some 7¼×9½ in 112, but no go—grotty. Also priced 20×24 [inch, i.e. 50×60 cm] dishes—cost the earth: something like 55 DM. So much for that idea.

Off home, forgetting even to buy anything, and sat around reading for a while before deciding I had better get a little bit of shopping done before the shops shut, and did so. Back to read the Stern horror reports, and then decided to ring Annelie, who was not at home, so arranged to ring her again, and back home to cook some makan, and then rang her up, and, as I rather suspected, she was not able to come tomorrow—something about writing a biology protokol. I am suspicious. Headed off, in something of disgust, for the Crazy Horse, where I got in without paying or trouble, and was pounced upon by the blokes, and gave them their photos. Dancing with a girl who later turned out to be crazy on Phil [one of the Pieces of Mind], and also met another bird called Jngrid, who has a fantastic figure and most expressive face I have seen in a long while—will have to photo her.

Then, having made 50 DM, off home, where Matin told me his views about it all.

Friday, 8 December 1967 HH
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Ohmigodohmigod, I'm done for. Woke up round the 1100 mark this morning, and wondered what went wrong, but didn't find out. Gave it up as a bad job, and had some breakfast. Mail arrived OK—card from the opticians, saying I will get a bill if I'm not pretty snappy about sending in my Krankenschein, and from the bank telling me of my credit transfer. What is the point of modern life?

Got myself well rugged up then, and off into town and to the Uni. Went first to the Studentenwerk to have a look for the Studentenarzt, but the place was so dead crowded that I couldn't be buggered to wait, and so instead off to the Staatsinstitut to get my Analyse, and stayed there long enough to determine that it contained SO₄ and either Ba⁺⁺ or Sr⁺⁺ ions—probably at least the latter. To the Mensa, had lunch, and to the Bibliothek, got my books, and then had a look round what cars were going—DKW which has been floating around for a while down by 100 to 670. Might have a look at it—at any rate stuck a note on the side to say that I was interested.

Off then into town, and had a look round for some paper—16×24 BN 112 (i.e. 8×10 WFL2D), which I could not find anywhere in town. Imagine that happening in London! Of course, admittedly, they do prefer other surfaces and colours here, but it still seems fantastic. Had a look round, and bought a guillotine at Quelle, and some paper (small, and cheaper than Agfa-Tura [?]) at Wiesenhavern, and got a No. 1 Photoflood at Scheel, food at Kaufhof, and then home, and got down pretty quickly to cooking myself some makan, and then ready to go off to meat Bruno outside the Crazy, but he was not there. Off to the bank to get some money, and then back to hang around for a while, until things began to happen—the boys wandered in at 1930, ½ hour late, having overslept. All the girls rolled up at about the same time, too—I wonder how they know: I don't think they were with them, though I suppose they could have been. Sort of half-heartedly stated taking some photos of a couple of the girls whom I had not seen before, and who proved to be a couple of new girls for the band—Gene, Dutch/German, had been chucked, and looking pretty happy about it—radiating sulks, in fact. Out with these other 2, the prettier of whom was called Bärbel, into the street, where it had been snowing—got some shots and a snowed-up pentaprism, so called truce. Took some photos of the blokes later, and then off with Gene, who had sort of invited me to the top 10, and there she disappeared, and so I left her to her pop group chasing and tried my best to pick up another tart, to no avail. Must be my beard—will take it off.

Saturday, 9 December 1967 HH
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Oh my god, I have had this sort of a life. Quite honestly, this living taking photos and so on in these places gives me the shits. I shall have to find some other breadwinning methods.

Got up at about 1100, an, as I wanted to go into town, hopped to it, though first I removed my beard—the sight of what was underneath it made me want to put it back again, but it was a bit late for that. Off into town, mainly looking for a Frisör who would remove the bulk of my hair, but was unsuccessful. Went to the Alsterhaus and did some shopping, but no meat. At Wiesernhavern bought paper and Neofin Color, and then meat at Kaufhof, and back home again—was snowing all the way, and it is pretty obvious that we are in for a white Christmas.

At home, got round to tidying up my room a bit, and then came Matin and was rather surprised at my altered appearance, and decided we would have to show Frau Plehn, whom we persuaded that I was my nephew—and she believed us. Complaints that I was not under any circumstances to spend the night here, but eventually managed to persuade her that I was, in fact, myself. Then discussing with Matin the problem of Bev's accommodation—the Makler to whom I had been on my way back wanted as much again as Gebühr, which is a bit high. He reckons the Studentenheim.

Into my room, and a bit more ordering of things, and then decided that I had a hell of a backlog of films which should be developed, and so did a couple of HP4s, which came out OK, though I still would not have been overjoyed had they come out better. [sic]

Left that for a bit of a rest, and then back and did a couple more, this time with no agitation to let them soak, and then hung them up to dry, and developed the NC16 and CE I finished recently. Both came out quite nicely, and fitted into the simultaneous development scheme without a hitch—unless it were Frau Plehn, who, however, gave me a double breasted sports jacket for my troubles. Left it at that, and had makan, after which decided to do a few prints, and so started on the ones of Annelie—I have come to the conclusion that f/1,4 is an extremely usable aperture: got very good results. Then did all the 8×10s, and while I was at it, did proofs of the ones which I thought would be interesting—this is getting to be too much of a way of life. I have had it, anyway. Didn't get to bed until about 0440.

Sunday, 10 December 1967 HH
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Some sort of balancing mechanism/noise woke me up early today—well, at about 1000, so before I had had all my sleep—and I could not be bothered to go back to sleep. Felt at peace with the world, apart from my photography—I think it was the blanket of snow on the world outside. I shall have to write to Sandy sweltering away there in the heatwave, and tell her about it. I wonder if she has ever seen snow.

Up, and tried to pull a few photos off the mirror, without success—I am going to have to buy myself a print dryer, and the sooner the better. Into the bathroom, where Matin was also messing around, and started running a bath. Eventually in, having meanwhile removed most of the photos, and had the bath—my skin is terribly tender now: cut myself in about a dozen places while shaving, though with a new blade.

Back into my room again, and removed the remainder of the photos, and then in came Frau Plehn as I started to have breakfast, wanting money for the bath, damn her—especially as it is now 1 DM. I am obviously going to have to have a lot more secret baths.

Then messing around washing some clothes, it having occurred to me that just about everything I posess [sic] in the way of clothes be in need of repair, ironing or cleaning. Karen in while was at it—did not comment on lack of beard.

Into my room, and loaded a couple of CE's, and developed them simultaneously. Oh, what a difference developing colour films is now to what it was 3 (is it really already 3?) years ago.

Then sat down and collected my thoughts together, followed closely by prints, and numbered and sorted them, and then decided to have makan, and so the same old brew—I wish I would hear from Mum (to whom I must write) about the subject soon—and I wish to hell I would get my negative album from her.

After makan, in which Frau Plehn complained that I was still getting around the house in bare feet, off to the Crazy, through -4° or more of snow, wearing thongs. Hardly any comment at the Crazy on loss of beard. Got rid of a lot of photos, though I notice orders are down over last time. I think this is going to fizzle out, especially now the place is becoming a discothéque [sic]. Still, we shall see. I rather like the idea that I met get right friendly with Bärbel—she is really nice, even she is under 18—so, for that matter, is JH [Jenny Hallett].

Monday, 11 December 1967 HH → Lüneburg
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Up at a more or less suitable time of 0930 this morning, though I made a mess of it by taking my time too much, with the result that by the time I left for the Uni I was too late for the lecture with whatsisname—not that I think it makes much odds: after all, last week there were only 17 people there. Letter from María, very pleased about the film I sent her, and saying she was still madly in love with me. Crazy bitch.

At the Uni, got down to my Analyse, which was the usual mixture of SO₄ and Ba—they seem to take a fiendish delight in that, but I am at any rate getting the idea.

Off then flat out at it, and came to my conclusions after about an hour, and then off to the Mensa for lunch, and then to see this Richter bloke about his DKW, which had been moved and which was covered in snow. Managed to scrape some off, and had a look at the engine—most odd shape: 3 cylinder 2 stroke water cooled, with the radiator behind the engine. Started the thing up—started readily enough—and off round the block, where I was reminded of all my experiments with 2 stroke bikes in recent months. Thing seemed notably to lack power, and eventually gave up the ghost, though the bloke insisted that that was because of the fact it twas so cold and that I had over-pumped the throttle. I am not too sure I like 2 strokes, but he reckoned it was OK, and that it would be OK, so I agreed to buy it on this condition, and off to psych, where we have more about perception, etc, and then out again, in to have a look at the car, and off then to the bank to give him 200 DM, and took him back—it certainly performed better then, though he reckons it will take me the best part of a month to get used to it. To the Jnstitut, packed up, and off home, filling up on the way. At home, having done some shopping, I was joined by Matin and Karen, wished the former a happy birthday, and was as a result invited in for makan, during which I took a number of photos. Then out again, and decided to go for a burn-up in anything but ideal weather, and on the Hannover-bound Autobahn, watching my screen ice up and the water temperature stay resolutely low, while my extremities froze. Eventually to Lüneburg, to the G.I., where they had no mail for me, and then to the Fussans, where I was welcomed with open arms, and Mutti wanted to know why I had not written, and insisted I stayed the night. Off to have some anti-freeze put in the water, as last night it went down to -15°, and the water was as good as empty. 15.60 DM! They have 2 students there now, Thai and Turk. Turk wants to study chemistry.

Tuesday, 12 December 1967 Lüneburg → HH
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Vati in at 0600 pünktlich to wake me this morning, and I moved in record time—only -6° this morning, so comparatively warm. Got the Turk up as well—he wanted a lift to Hamburg—and had some breakfast, scraped some ice off the screens, and set off. The car started almost immediately, which is a credit to it, and we went off thus to the Autobahn, burning all the way, and only stopping a couple of times. Got on the Autobahn and stalled—out of petrol. Don't know what made the consumption so hellishly high, but in any case, had to walk back 3 km (estimated) to a Tankstelle and buy a reserve can and 5 l petrol. Off again, and first back home, then took the Turk to his consulate, home again—letter from Bev: she is coming on Saturday, flight BE610, arriving Fuhlsbüttel at 1650. Damn her—I told her not to fly. Will be her own fault if the plane can't land.

This happened to me on 16 December 1963, coincidentally 4 years to the day before her scheduled arrival, on a flight from London to Hannover.

Borrowed some money from Matin to pay the Turk off, paid him, and to the Uni, Matin proving his worth as a de-icer. At least it is not as cold as last night. Left Matin in the Studentenwerk, and upstairs to the DSKV to get myself a Krankenkarte [presumably really Krankenschein], and then off to Burk in Mönckebergstraße to give it to him, and back again to the Uni, where I first had lunch—Turk did not turn up—and then to the Staatsinstitut to cook my Analyse, and after a long time at it, came to the conclusion that there was not any Ca⁺⁺ in it, and so filled in my book, and left it, going off home—rush hour gives me the shits, as it did Dad in the not-too-distant past. At home, did my best to tidy up the car, and then off to buy a book to keep a note of travel, etc—in the style of the log book I kept for the Citroën. Then off and did some shopping, and back home and was promptly given some reading matter by Frau Plehn, which I started to read, but then I got too tired and went off to sleep until I was woken by Matin ringing the bell—he had forgotten his key. Then talked a while—he has got himself a comparatively lucrative job as a Dolmetscher for some lebanese blokes in the next few days, so is putting off his departure to Berlin for a while. Then I went off to sleep, and woke at about 2130 and felt dead hungry, so out to cook some makan, which was an abortive mess, and tasted bloody awful. Then a require to take Karen home, and on the way back Matin told me she was afraid she was pregnant. Saw a couple of tarts, whom we nearly picked up, but not quite.

Wednesday, 13 December 1967 HH
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Following the late night last night (0200), woken correspondingly late by Matin this morning, with 3 letters, one from Bev, one from the Dresdner Bank, and one from HK&S bank, which he somehow thought was from Jayne. Mum and Dad have sent a further 600 DM for Bev's use while she is here. Got up, washed and was about to have breakfast/get dressed, when Matin suggested I had makan with him, and thus helped him prepare it. Sarong [?], I have decided, is very convenient for peeling potatoes. Then got dressed, while the stuff cooked, and sat there talking to Matin and listening to the radio—a thing I seldom do myself. Then was about to go off, but Matin took me up on my offer of a lift to the Winterhuder Stadtpark, and so took him out there, and back to the Uni. Come what may, a car is a damn sight more convenient than going by the means supplied by the HHA.

In the lab, was by no means cheered up to see a little f in my book, and went through the whole thing again, but nothing looked wrong, until Joachim Lamps, who was taking an interest in the affair, said „What about Mg⁺⁺?“ Dammit—I had found Mg and forgotten to put it down in my findings! That really is the end. Off then to the Studentenwohnheim in the Bieberstraße, but they had no rooms for Bev, and couldn't get on to the Studentenwerk, and then off to the Staatsbibliothek—or would have, had my gear coupling given up on me. Exactly the same problem as we had with the Citroën on 14.V.1967 (which I notice I didn't even bother to mention), but here the things were much less accessible, and proved to be a ball and socket instead of nut and bolt, so round to J.A. Schlüter Söhne in the Rentzelstraße, who are agents for Auto-Union and Citroen, so I suppose I will have a long acquaintance with them, and got them to have a look at it—this all the way in 1st. They said something about changing a Schaltteleskop, cost about 18 DM, and ready tomorrow, so left it, got them to grease it at the same time, and off by tram. Had my hair cut and bought some food in the Herderstraße, and then off home where Matin was not, and cooked myself some makan, in the middle of the eating of which arrived Matin, and told me that the airport was closed because of fog today—I hope for Bev's sake it clears up by Saturday.

Spoke with him for a while, and then had a bath, while he followed mit—again without Frau Plehn finding out. Early to bed.

Thursday, 14 December 1967 HH
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Woken by Matin at 0715 this morning, saying that he had thought I wanted to get up early this morning—so I had, damn it, but had forgotten to set the alarm to fire, and so it had not gone off. If there is anything I dislike, it is going to a lecture late, and so decided to leave it. If I had had my car with me, I probably would have made it, but what the hell.

Slept in until 0900, until I was woken by Frau Plehn. I really must make a new year's resolution to do more work, especially in the lab, and to make a habit of attending all lectures, no matter how pointless they may be—this is useless, and I will never complete the Studium at this rate. Got up, and had coffee, etc, and then off as quickly as possible to the Staatsinstitut, and up to find a) Schulz had not marked my book and b) I had forgotten to lock up my Platz. Schulz had seen my book, Lamps had told him what had happened yesterday, and he said something to the effect that there was something else there, so Lamps took the matter in hand, and did a bit of rather inconclusive spectroscopy, and then yet another Kationentrennungsgang, and this time proved Ca⁺⁺, so off, comparatively zufrieden to the Mensa, and there had lunch, and looked round at advertised jobs, and noted quite a few for English conversation, etc, which looks worthwhile. I think, anyway, it might be worth a try. Off to a Mrs Fenton, who was looking for a babysitter, but apparently she wanted a bird.

Off to the Bibliothek, but Annelie's book was not there, and so home and wrote a letter to Mum and Dad, and then off to a Fahrschule in Winterhuder Weg, where I was told that I would have to get my license translated, and then go to the [Straßen-]Verkehrsamt, and it would probably take 3 weeks, but in the meantime I could use my Malaysian one [driver's license]. Off to the Malaysian Consulate, and there got them to translate my driving license, and off to the Uni, where I was 2 minutes late with my mortar, and so wasn't allow any Analyse—damned nasty bastards there. Off to the Bibliothek, but still no book, so put in a request for it, and then off home, which took me a hell of a long time—rush hour traffic is the end.

At home, hung around doing a little after doing some shopping, and then out to cook some makan, and found Matin there, having spent the day in Koblenz and Frankfurt, and having boozed himself up on wine, as the lebanese were doing likewise, and then off to do a bit of cooking. He was apparently exhausted by the pace, and hit the sack early, even considering when he wanted to get up. Not too late to bed myself.

Friday, 15 December 1967 HH
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Up eventually round 0945, and Frau Plehn was spending her time outside washing, and so started having something to eat, and down to see what I had got in the way of post, which seemed to be a jackpot—letter from the bank, Christmas card (airmail!) from María, telegram from Bev wanting to know if the coast was clear, and note from the Postzollamt to say a parcel awaited me in Dammtorwall.

Had breakfast properly, and then pulled myself together and went off to the Postzollamt, having a lot of fun in the process, and got my parcel, hauptsächlich chinese crockery, but just as the Beamte was satisfied that I had nothing taxable on me, I noticed a 1 lb packet of Boh tea in the corner, out of his sight. Fun—that made my day.

At the time there was a heavy customs duty on tea in Germany. I later wondered whether the officer had seen it and decided that it would be more generous not to have seen it.

Then back home, stopping at the Hofweg post office on the way to send Bev a telegram, and then off home, where I unpacked all my crockery, tea and a couple of waste paper baskets and hot water bottle cover. Then brewed up a right strong brew of Boh, drank that, and off to hand in my Topf—again too late—and then to the Mensa, where I discovered there was to be a demonstration outside the Uni buildings at 1500 Uhr for some worthy cause, so into town for some shopping, and then off home, got a film, and to the Uni, where they were in the middle of a discussion about what to do, and they came to the conclusion that, as the Akademisches [sic] Senat was meeting somewhere in the middle of the Staatsbibliothek, we ought to go off there and try to get in—I along with this faction, which I later discovered to be the SDS, while the AStA stayed behind in Hörsaal B. Off there, sat in, and discussed what to do, tryed [sic] forcing our way into the locked part of the building, without much success. Got into a bit of a scramble with what proved to be the Politpolizei, who were somewhat camerashy, and got talking with a bloke with a Praktina, and then off to the WiSo Hörsaal to talk about something to which I paid little attention, and then off again to try to barricade our way in, again without any success, and so off home with this Praktina bloke, otherwise known as Peter Pollack, and had makan there, which rather pleased him, and had a good look round at photos and equipment, and discovered a) he was a sharpness fanatic b) I had lost track of all my sharpest photos. Off later with him to his place and had a cup of tea there—Earl Grey blend, which is very good, though not as I had expected. Had a nice, almost antique Leitz microscope there—he is a med. stud. Matin home 2330, ganz fertig, and tomorrow he is at it again.

Saturday, 16 December 1967 HH
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Up not too early this morning, although Matin woke me up not much after 0600 in his preparation for today's journey to Frankfurt, borrowing combs and sticking alarm clocks in my room, and so on.

Then up, at about 1020, and outside to where Frau Plehn was just finished with the washing which she did yesterday, and washed myself and had breakfast—cooking some coffee bei Matin while I was at it, and Frau Plehn observed this and was not very happy about the state of affairs, and, as I discovered later, locked his room and whipped the key when I had got the coffee out. Swore violently at that, but there was little we could do about it, and so, after more oaths, etc, off to the Uni and the Mensa for lunch, and then to town for various jobs, notably just plain food buying. In a fairly bad mood to start with because of the grotty traffic, and as a result got really grotty by the time I was halfway down to the Hafen before I could park the car for my shopping, and then to the Kaufhof, where I bought quite a bit of food, which should see both Bev and me amply through the weekend.

After that, tried to get home, and ended up in Wandsbeker Chaussee, but managed to sort things out just the same without too much susah, and then decided to have a bath until I discovered I had no Badedas, and so just washed up all my dirty dishes—I don't know why, but it doesn't seem half as bad when it is just rice-covered mangkoks. Then bought a Bild-Zeitung—lousy coverage to yesterday's demonstration—and after that, off to the airport, giving myself ¾ hour to get there, but made it in 10 minutes, and so fixed up the gloves box—I hope—and off to wait for the plane which, in typical Pommie fashion, was 10 minutes late. Bev cleared pretty quickly, though she came out just about last, and then we went home, looking around in Eppendorf and Elmsbüttel on the way. Frau Plehn complaining about lack of key, but calmed her down. Bev gave her the chocolates, and that really mollified her, so that she actually offered to let Bev stay the night! Off to the Crazy Horse, where Bev was very much to the taste of the pieces of mind, and Phil got his eye on her. Feel sorry for Bärbel—she is a sweet kid, but in for a fall. Round town with Bev later, and then quite a long conversation at home—Matin not back.

Sunday, 17 December 1967 HH
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Up at about 1030, wondering why Bev, who had intended to wake me and herself up at 0900, hadn't been in. Found that she had slept like a log, and even claimed that my bed was comfortable! First I heard of it.

Did my best to cook some bake necks [Strine: bacon and eggs], except with an omelette [sic], to please Bev, who holds them for the plus haut of haute cuisine, and after we finished—for some reason this pleased Bev as much of any in the good old days when it was Mum who was the Uni student—she, in gratitude, washed up, and meanwhile Peter arrived, took one look at Bev, and decided to brush up his English. Then he suggested that, if we had nothing better to do, we might come and have makan with him in a little café on the Elbe. Tried to get a bird to come with him, but was a rather abortive attempt. On the way down to the place, Peter decided his English just wasn't up to it, but noted that Bev was intending to go to the Sorbonne, and decide to polish up her french, which must be a lot better than mine if she understood much. To the café, which had a somewhat french air about it—this bloke is only too obviously a francophile, and we kept up a running trilingual conversation—English, French and German with none too clearly defined boundaries. Then off to see a couple of friends, who proved to be some leading SDS members the girl whom I know, and had snack, drink there. Girl is really revolutionary type: „There's something on on Christmas eve“—”What?”—“An action”. Reminds me of Pardon, and we are thinking of buying Fritz Teufel for Hamburg.

Then to another bloke, also in the same mob, in an ancient home under Denkmalschutz because Napolen's troops brought it to its present grotty state. Bloke Uwe, apparently living with a rather nice finnish girl. Off, took the others back to the first place, and in the process got invited by each of them to Christmas bzw. Silvester (which Bev thought was another of the mob).

Home after that, had makan, and then Bev wanted to go down to the Crazy Horse again—not a single swear word tonight: I wonder why. In my case, didn't do much myself, and wasn't exactly unhappy that I came that much later. Saw Bärbel again, still apparently this side of happiness, though I think she is going to pass through the axis soon—and I hope to be waiting on the other side. Bev wanted to hit St. Pauli (she is becoming, I think, Phil's answer to Bärbel), and so I left her in his care and back home, where Matin was home, and had a lot to tell, and so then late to bed.

Monday, 18 December 1967 HH
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Matin woke me this morning rather interested to know where Bev was, and where she had spent the night. Up, dressed, and downstairs, fearing the worst, and straight down (as far as one can go straight [horrible memories [of directions in India: the answer was always “go straight”]] in this town) to the Norderstraße, and eventually found my way into the flat, and to Phil's room. What does one really do when one finds one's sister, supposedly in one's care, in bed with a pop “musician”, in a shabby, grotty little room, no sheets on the bed, etc? If it wasn't so bloody obvious that she was still intact [was it?], I would have gone through the roof, but apart from her skirt, she was fully dressed, and Gaston here is of the opinion that such relationship can do little but good. Off home again, introduced her to Matin—she had expected to find a big, burly Arab, but was rather pleased by what she found. Had tea, while I read letters from Sandy and a depressed Paul—no birds. I shall have to bring him over here and let him get raped by a couple. Also another parcel, so we set off, dropped Matin at the Jnstitut, and to Dammtorwall to pick it up, Bev bursting with impatience to open it. Off in a figure 8 to the Von-Melle-Park, and tanked—say what Ray Richter will, I don't think it is any cheaper here—and then to the Malaysian consulate, where they had translated my driving license into English instead of into German, and had not certified it. Threw it down the lift shaft. Then to the Von-Melle-Park again, and showed Bev around before meeting Matin in the Mensa. Off home via the Kaufhof, and then Bev straight into bed, having discovered that the parcel was nothing more than my Chinese teapot, and so Matin cooked some makan, left it cooking while we went out to Winterhude (or is it Hellbrook?) to get his pay for his interpretation, and then back to eat what was left of it. Cooked some tea in my new Kanne, and sat there discussing how lenient I should be with Bev (I told him substantially the truth, except that it was the Top 10 instead of the flat), and then decided to make a change and take Bev out to Bergedorf to see Otto and Else, and so in to wake her up, and out fairly quickly (after I had had I [sic] bite to eat) to Bergedorf, and fortunately Otto and Else were at home, alive, and kicking and were delighted (aren't they always?) to see us, astounded to see how big Bev now is, and filled us up with booze, which rather worried me (of course, they thought we were going by train, but it wouldn't have made any difference had they known we were going by car). Home quite early, after Otto had expressed his disgust at the demonstrations, and was glad I am not mixed up with any of these violent communists.

Bev's diary is putting me to shame! 5 pages of DIN A4 per day. Will really have something to say in 5 years time.

Tuesday, 19 December 1967 HH
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Up very late this morning, having been so stunned when the alarm went that I just turned round (as much as is possible on Matin's sofa) and went back to sleep. All 4 of us woke up at approximately the same time at about 1100 hrs, and attended to our respective duties, and then I decided that we could manage with a cooked breakfast again without too much trouble, and so out with more bacon and the same old omelette (except we stuck a bit of garlic in as well, mainly to spite old Frau Plehn there complaining that Knackwurst is good for you, and then into our room to eat it, in the middle of which I asked Bev for her opinion of my book “Resting Place”, and, rather to my surprise, she liked it very much—in fact, she hardly put the thing down until she had got as far as I had written, and insisted on knowing what I was going to do with it, and how I was going to finish it.

In the meantime, I did a bit of tidying up, and then thought about a letter to Paul, which I started, and then decided that, if we were going into town, we would probably shop better on a full stomach, and so cooked some of the fish fillets I bought on Saturday, which were not yet busoh, with chips, and note that Bev, deprived of her between-the-meal snacks, was a little more hungry that has of late been her wone.

Then did a bit of scanty tidying up, on with my letter to Paul, waited until Bev had finished reading my book, and then off into town, having managed to make out a shopping list. To the bank, and it occurred to me for the first time that there is a drive-in section, which is rather neat, and saves parking fees. Then parked in the Steinstraße, in what seemed to be a free parking area, and to Wiesernhavern, where that bird gave me the same adoring look without beard/hair as she used to which [sic; with?]. Good job she didn't see Bev with me, or she might have misinterpreted, but as it is I think I shall have to get started with her.

After that, off shopping for Bev, who could not find anything to buy, and then to the Bibliothek to get some information on the inside of Malaysia, and to the Stuka for food—I think it is probably cheaper there. Home, and after a while had makan, while I finished off my letter to Paul, and then had substantially the same makan as lunch, after which Matin decided to dress up as an Arab, and so I put on my sarong and sherpa jacket, and we went to the Alsterpavillon for a cup of coffee, but they would not let us in, so home again and developed a couple of films, which did not come out too badly.

My recollection is that they rejected us because we weren't wearing ties.

Wednesday, 20 December 1967 HH
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I suppose it was inevitable that Bev and I would talk after going to bed, but until 0300 is rather ridiculous. As a result, slept in long, and I woke up at 1230 and thought it time to do something in the way of a change of state, and suggested this to Bev, who took a good 10 minutes to wake up. Then put Matin's sleeping bag back in his room, and washed, etc, and had breakfast of a more likely nature, namely bread, butter, cheese and wurst, and then Frau Plehn suggested that she cleaned out today rather than tomorrow, as otherwise she would have to clean out too much stuff, and therefore wake us early, and so I thought against it, though when Matin came in somewhat later and recommended that I let her get it over and done with, I took his advice, and did. Had our tea, during which time I wrote a little more to Sandy, and then thinking of going down to the library to get my books, which I had ordered yesterday. Got as far as an der Alster when I remembered I had forgotten my card, swore, back again, got Bev to bring down my bag, and off again. Got to the library, got out, back to get my bag... and my passport was not there. Swore again, and back home, and then Frau Plehn got stuck in in my room, and I put Bev into the bathroom to see if we could somewhat deodorise her, and Frau Plehn found out, which I thought was rather unfortunate, but we said she was washing her hair, which she apperantly [sic] believed, though she had her doubts when I had my bath, but I managed to leave sufficient red herrings around to make her think I had also just washed my hair.

Then in Matin's room for a while, telling jokes, as we were last night—I get the feeling that the time that Bev is going to be here can be more or less written off against any worthwhile pursuit. Then Frau Plehn finished in our room, and a bloke came to put up Matin's bookcase, and then I decided to do a few prints, and discovered that the adaptor [sic] on my enlarger is still none too steady, with the result that by the time I had printed half a dozen shots, the thing would not stay in for any worthwhile time, and so I gave it up as a bad job, araldited the thing together, and put the prints in to wash, and off to the Crazy Horse, where Bärbel showed me a ring which Bruno had bought her—horrible cheap thing, must have cost DM 2:50—and something about being engaged to him, marriage in 3 years. Oh, Bärbel, you're too nice for that bloke. Can't you see he's playing with you?

Took Bev home, and started developing an HP4, and then gave her her first real German lesson, and then quite late (well, after 0100) to bed.

Thursday, 21 December 1967 HH
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Oh, my God, what is wrong with me that makes me sleep so long? The only consolation, if it be a consolation, is that Bev is even worse than me. Up round 1100 hrs, and in to wake up Bev, and spent the next hour or so having breakfast, which was the same old stuff, except that I had got in some Schlesier Brot, which Bev refused to eat because she prefers white bread, and then just hung around doing nothing, Bev doing likewise, and floated through several hours thus, drinking a bit of tea and doing my best to finish off the letter I was writing to Sandy, which I finally accomplished, even if it wasn't the longest I have ever written. Then Matin made enquiries about whether I wanted to go to town, and suggested then that I take him as well, so that he could pick up Karen, as it was snowing, and he wanted to save her the trouble of going by public transport. Off then, without Bev, to the Staatsbibliothek, and there got my books on Malaysia—this Ooi Chin Bee looks good. Then literally crawled through the rush hour traffic—I really must get up earlier—and off to the Rödingsmarkt, where the Postscheckamt is, to meet Karen, who had left about 3 minutes previously. To Wiesernhavern, actually got myself 100 sheets of BN 113 9×13—I hadn't really expected them to have it—and then home again, where Bev was not and Karen was, with the (pretty obvious) news that Bev had gone out.

Hung around a while, wondering whether Bev had had a rendezvous with Phil, and then she came back, saying something about having been looking for an oriental, or such like. Then I wrote a letter to Jenny Hallett, asking her to give herself my Meritar [lens] for Christmas, and out to the airport to post it in the hope that it would reach her before Christmas (which is not helped by the fact that the 24th is a Sunday). Roads really icy, and I am seriously thinking about buying chains. Home again, and cooked some makan, and we had just about begun to eat it when Peter (called Willy by his friends, I notice) came along, and was primarily worried about his photos. Bev insisted that she had to go to the Crazy, down, suffering loss of flybelt [fanbelt?] on the way—lucky I had a spare—and then back to do plenty of prints, and even a couple of big ones of the secret police. That took a hell of a long time, and I noted by the end of it all that it was 2330, and Bev still was not back—one of my conditions had been that she would be at home by 2315. She doesn't go out again alone. Then a mess round at the blokes' flat, where she was—can't get over the fact that Bruno and Adrian share a double bed, and screw their birds side by side.

Friday, 22 December 1967 HH
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Omigod, why do I have to keep getting up so late? It is escalating, which makes it even worse. The first couple of hours always seem to be lost anyway, what with getting up, forgetting to shave, washing, and breaking fast by Matin. Today is was particularly bad, as we didn't get up until around midday, after Frau Plehn had come in and made herself objectionable about the fact that my photos had been washing all night. At least she didn't complain about the fact that I had been sleeping in the same room as Bev. Got Matin to bring in the photos, stuck them on the mirror and went back to sleep, waking up with all the things on the floor.

Decided then to get up, and into have makan bei Matin, where we sat for a while drinking coffee and so on, and then decided to go into town to get various jobs finished, notably the delivery of the photos to Barbara Adams. Accordingly got into the car and off to the Schlüterstraße, where I dropped Matin at the Post and on to where Barbara lives, only to discover that she was not returning before she went to England, so nobly decided to meet her as she got on the bus to the airport at 1700 hrs, and so spent ½ hour getting there via the Jungfernstieg, where I dropped Bev and Matin to do their bit shopping, etc, leaving Bev to buy stuff for us to eat tonight, and off to the ZOB, where Barbara was not, and Bev and Matin were late. Home again—had parked the car in the Hansaplatz, memories of 4 years ago—and discovered that, although Bev had bought all sorts of things such as french bread and so on, she had not seen fit to buy anything to eat tonight in the way of meat, etc. Blew up, but Matin bought some stuff later, so was not too bad. Then had makan—Bev stuck to her French bread—and did a bit of reading the myriads of magazines which I have bought of late—latest is a twen which I bought while waiting at the ZOB—and found amongst photos of the latest “no bra” fashion—can't help feeling this suits Jenny Hallett—read the original story of “Blow-up”—like crazy man. Then in with Matin, who reckoned that a heavy car would not come unstuck from the road as soon as a lighter car, everything else being equal. Ended up with him saying that, neglecting air resistance, a 20 kg weight would fall faster than a 10.

Saturday, 23 December 1967 HH
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Frau Plehn in this morning round 1100, which was not very late, considering we didn't get to bed until 0345, saying it was about time we got up, so we did, and before long I in to find Bev awake for about 3 hours, and having taken advantage of the time to wash all my stuff in the kitchen, which honestly shocked me, especially as I thought Frau Plehn had done it at first.

Didn't really have breakfast—Matin cooked some coffee for us, and I nibbled at a Zwieback, somewhat half-heartedly after I had found out that there was nothing to put on the thing, and then time began to flee, and we decided it was now or never to erledigen our Weihnachtseinkaufen, and, to make matters easier for everyone concerned, I decided to let Bev go shopping with Matin, and I would go my own way, and worry about our food as well. Accordingly by U-Bahn into town, I to Mönckebergstraße, and to Theus [?], where unfortunately the only nice things which I could give Bev were exorbitantly expensive, and not really worthwhile. Round Karstadt a couple of times, getting somewhat dizzy, and eventually bought some mod jewellrey [sic] for Bev, and then went and spent a hell of a lot of money on food for Christmas, and then decided I had better get something for Matin, and eventually bought him a Wecker in the Kaufhof—same as mine, except that it was brown, to make sure we don't confuse them. Home then, and Matin and Bev were not yet, coming about an hour later, after which I had already been to Bolle. Bev had bought some flour, and was intent on making pancakes. Our presents were also too hot, and we decided, what the hell, it's Christmas Eve in Australia, and so gave them. 2 pipes from Bev—a very nice, curved polished briar and a typical bayrisch job, both of which please me. Pair of cuff links from Matin, also rather nice. Both seemed rather pleased with my presents (“Just the thing I need—how nice”).

After eating what Bev left over of the pancakes, Matin cooked makan, and I could not eat too much. Had a bath and off to the Studentenbar, on the way dropping Bev at the Crazy. Not much on at the Studentenbar, danced a couple of times with a bird in 4. Semester Pädagogik, but not much hope of getting anywhere with her.

Off home, and had fun when Frau Plehn thought we had locked her in, went up the wall, and so on—until she found it [her key].

Sunday, 24 December 1967 HH
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Heiliger Abend

Oh well, what the hell, here we go again, it only lasts a few days, thank God, but the western economy would probably crumble without Christmas, so it is probably a good thing. Up today round noon, and before much more had happened, Matin had come in and suggested that we cook the duck, which did not seem to be a bad idea, so he went in to Frau Plehn to ask about the oven, but she was going out and did not want to have to mess around in the kitchen, and so said leave it until tomorrow, which, considering the temperature today (well above 0°, closer to 10°), was not very logical, and so we decided we would have to do the thing in my pan, and so Matin gutted the thing, while I had some refreshment to enable me to get on until the duck was ready. Then crammed the thing into the pan, and did our own bests to persuade each other (Frau Plehn joined in too) that ours was the best way to cook a duck. Matin eventually gave up and left the responsibility to me, and apart from a couple of times when the pan went out, all was well. The thing took a hell of a while to cook, and we did not get everything ready until around 1500 hrs—we also cooked chips in the fantastic quantity of fat that the thing gave off, and then, later, decided that the only way to eat duck was with one's fingers, and set to thus, complete with photos, and then off outside to recover, without doing much. Then Bev said something about wanting to go down and see Phil, and so I, indulgent brother, took her down, and arranged to pick her up before going to Uwe's place, and back home, where I spent the time having tea with and talking to Matin, and came to all sorts of things, and carried on a long while thus, and I took a few photos with Bev's camera—I think a Hassel might be nice, but I would rather a Bronica. In any case, had to go, and down with the Bier to pick up Bev, and had to go up, and once round the block in the E-type—cornering worse than the DKW, let alone the D-type. Then to see Uwe, and we were the first. Speaking to Uwe while getting some fags—he is a Citroën enthusiast as well—and also a nice bloke. Back again, and many more were come, under them Willy, and the booze disappeared a little faster, and then sat herself a bird, who proved to be called Renate, who found me amusing and interesting, but who left at 2330. We wanted to leave a little later, but then Uwe and I got into a conversation about parapsychology, which got everybody in, and which lasted 2 hours, what with literary monologues by an ultra-left-wing type. Then home, and everybody came in singing “World Revolution”. Matin had whipped and decorated a tree for us—very nice of him.

Monday, 25 December 1967 HH
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Alarm at 0900, and, strange to say, both Bev and I woke up immediately, and staggered thus out of Bed, I still feeling pretty averagely paralysed, and prepared for our expedition to Bergedorf, and were actually off round about on time, and got a fill of petrol, and then let Bev direct me to Bergedorf, and, in all fairness, she didn't do too badly, and we got to Dünenweg at 1045, and Otto opened the door to us, without looking very happy, even at the flowers we had brought them. In any case, Else looked a bit happier, and welcomed us to a really fantastic breakfast, which is what we always used to think of as a typically German style, and before long Otto had let Gertrud in, and had with her the sad news that Hedwig had a cold, and then a bottle of Sekt was opened, and then things really began, though at least we were not quite stuffed full as in days of old—I prefer it like this, although I am quite convinced that there is not much in Christmas for anybody much over 15. Before too long, Gertrud had had enough, and was off, and Else decided that some time she would have to see us in town, and show us round—I expect I know Hamburg as well as she does. In any case, arranged to meet her at the ZOB on the 2.I.1968, by which time I hope we have recovered from our friend Silvester.

Then home, and hit up a clocked 122 on the way, which is not bad for this old bomb—though in a D-type I would have hit 150 without much trouble.

Then, at home, Bev hit the sack, and I prepared myself to be able to stand a visit to the pieces of mind, which I did with Dispirin, coffeine [sic], and all likely photo equipment. Then in, to where Bruno, Adrian and the birds were lying half-naked—that Erika has nice tits, but a too small-cupped bra over them—and started taking photos, which was really tiring, if rather fun—I today feel like the bloke in Blow-up—and towards the end it got a bit better, and Bruno pulled down Angie's pants for her, which ought to make a good photo. Finally, exhausted even beyond flirting with Angie, off home, and collapsed, and then cooked myself some makan while Frau Plehn dropped hints about no present, which I was too tired to do anything about.

Then loaded a Pan F that I took this afternoon into a tank, and developed that and another, and then decided to go to a flick to get away from it all, and into town, where Angélique was showing, but sold out, so back and developed the other 2 films, and then Bev back, having got herself lost in the Hauptbahnhof. Playing „Mensch ärgere Dich nicht“ with Frau Plehn—I started halfway through, but won. Late to bed.

Tuesday, 26 December 1967 HH → Lüneburg → HH
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Oh, my God, much more of this getting up at 0900 can I not take, but still, I suppose it does not do that much harm to keep to a routine. Bev did not think much of it, either, but eventually, after I had myself had a wash and shave, got her out to do it, and then had something in the way of a breakfast, before setting off, which we did round about 1030, with quite good weather and equally good speed—we did not try to see how fast the thing would go, but it was pulling very well, and we got to Lüneburg at 1115, which is, by my way of thinking, very good.

It's pretty much exactly what Google Maps estimates.

I doubt if I could have got there in less that [sic] 30 minutes in the Citroën, unless I really took a lot of chances. Showed Bev round Lüneburg in anything but a thorough way, and then off town to the Füssans, where everybody was pleased to see us—I am rather fed up, in fact, with the hearty sort of welcome I get there, and sometimes I wonder just how adaptable I really am. In any case, we were told that Elke and Kali were off this afternoon, and before that we might like to visit them, which, with Henry's guidance, we did, and got a bier for our pains, as well as a promise from Elke to send lots of paper for my benefit—I expect she does not propose to send more than a few sheets, but one can always hope. Then back home again, and before too long came lunch, which was not too bad, probably rather better than usual. After that, had a look at TV for a while, in which time I was further pumped with Bier, and rather enjoyed it—some story about the Austrian Kaiser and his bavarian wife. [I suppose this must have been Sissi] Happy love story, reminds me of Jenny—don't know why, because that was no happy love, but I suppose it always could be.

Then Vati said something to the effect that he needed to go to light an old lady's heating, and so took him over there. When we came back, decided to push [off], and off to Hamburg, giving a couple of thumbers a lift, and again did it in 45 minutes. Home, stayed long enough to cook ourselves a meal, and then off to the Crazy Horse, where I saw Bärbel, who was looking not too happy, and later, at Bruno's instigation, had a little chat with her, and I think she is getting a bit fed up with all this Scheiße, which could well mean I will get on with her soon—Bev thinks so. Took her home at 2200, and then solved Bev's problems with Phil, and met an old engineer off the „State of Madras“, who agreed entirely with my opinion of the ship, and added more of his own. Bev and I merry on Cinzano later—out in sarong bzw. bra/pants on the street. (Cold).

Wednesday, 27 December 1967 HH
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As a result of recent lack of sleep, I slept in quite a while this morning—I don't think it had much to do with the fact that last night I let Bev sleep on the floor and myself slept in the bed. In any case, got up round about noon, and started with the usual problem of what to eat, which Matin solved for me quite nicely by saying he had cooked a lot of sauce, all of which he could impossibly eat, and suggest we had some rice with it, so did that, while he told us of his experiences with Frau Plehn yesterday, and I tried to swallow one of Matin's very gleasy [sic] failures, which I could not manage, and so into my room for a while, after which we decided to go into town, and had an argument with Bev, who wanted 180 DM to buy herself a pair of boots with, and I thought she should first find herself a suitable pair of boots. That blew over, and then to a car shop, bought fan belt, new plugs, and a book on servicing the DKW. I am going to have to learn german car terms pretty quickly. Had a look round various places for Bev's benefit, and bought some more paper at Wiesernhavern, and then off home, where I decided to do some experimenting with different food, and ended up making a mincemeat stew, which, apart from excess CH₃COOH, was quite nice. Downstairs, and tried to change the plugs, though I could only get one out—even so, the difference was notable. To the Crazy, where was offered some lapplandish marzipan by Ilona, and then to a service station to get the other plugs out—one broke in the process, and both were badly corroded—and the difference is very noticable [sic]. Then home and rattled off 70 odd photos in 45 minutes, and off back to the Crazy before 2200 hrs, but Bärbel was already gone, so persuaded Bev to come and have a Wimpy, so across to the place in Steindamm, which was just closing, so down to the place on the Reeperbahn, and then had a thing, and back to the Crazy for a while to drop Bev, and home to dry my prints, followed not very much later by Bev, who found the photos very interesting, and spent some time studying them. Got her to help me number them, and then off to the flat where Adrian, Bruno and Ingrid were, and the former two found them extremely interesting, laughing their heads off. Adrian ordered 30 of the things. Then left him with Ingrid, and first to Phil's room, then to the „Speakeasy“ in St. Pauli, and, after talking about violent Germans to a rather violent looking German for a while, off home, where we had a bite to eat (quite literally), and Bev, Bruno and I ...

Thursday, 28 December 1967 HH
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... compared our repertoire of jokes while Vic slept it off, and then finally back to the flat at 0700, stayed an hour, back home, did a bit of work, and then hit the (Schlaf)=sack. Off pretty quickly to sleep, and I fancy that Frau Plehn came in at one point and made nasty comments about the fact that I was still (little does she know!) asleep, but I hardly noticed, and it could have been a dream. Finally got/woke up round about 1510, and Bev was still madly asleep, and so sat about for a while, had a chat to Matin, did a bit of elementary tidying up, and then discovered the gap in my stomach, and spent the next hour or so endeavouring to fill it. I will say one thing for that mad shopping spree last Saturday—the food is still going strong, and would just about hold out until Silvester if we pushed it. Bev woke up just about as I was about to eat, and I think was somewhat embarrassed—in any case, she ate even less than usual. Then did a bit more tidying up, à propos of Frau Plehn doing her tidying up tomorrow, and I also got a couple of other photos ready to give to various people, and then sewed a couple of buttons onto the coat which Frau Plehn gave me, and then down with a couple of letters to the Crazy, where was greeted by Bärbel and Ilona, with whom Bev seems to be getting very friendly, despite the fact that there are language difficulties. Off pretty quickly to post a couple of letters at the post office in the Hauptbahnhof, and then back again, and suggested to Bev that we had a snack before I went to see „Angélique“ at the Borke. To the Wimpy in Steindamm, and a bit of a row about service charges, and then off. Occurred to me today how short Bärbel is—can't be more than 1,60, at the outermost.

Then to see „Angélique“, which was a waste of time and (much more important) 3.30 [DM], and which looked very amateurish and about 10 years old, and I noticed that there were seams in the sky in some of the scenes—that is bad, and it must be boring when I study the chromatic aberration of the anamorph they project with—lousy, in fact: maybe it was the taking lens.

Then out again, and picked up Bev from the Crazy, and had a row with her because she wanted to stay longer—the unlikely things she called me! - blew up, and took it out on the car, which was smoking badly when we got home. I think there is a leak in the fuel line. Made up with Bev later on, who then expounded on the fact that I must start again with Jenny.

Friday, 29 December 1967 HH
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And on rolls life—Bev's stay here is coming to a close, about which I am not completely unhappy—I haven't done a stroke of work since she has been here. I am also happy that the Pieces of Mind are leaving—this work is just too tiring for what I get out of it. Up not too early, and Bev, for a change, was feeling hungrier than I—or at any rate, she didn't eat the bread, butter, Käse and Wurst that I did, and instead went out and fried herself egg and chips, which looked good, so I decided to have some too.

After that, did little for a while, until it was decided to go into town again—Bev wanted to buy some boots, or something, and so into the Stadmitte, but after walking all over the Kaufhof and buying only some stationary and nylons, she forgot about her boots, and we went off to the Stuka to do some shopping, but unfortunately it was already closed for Inventories, until the end of the year. Accordingly home, shopping at Bolle—that is particularly convenient now that I park the car round there.

After that, upstairs to the flat, where Bev was still feeling hungry—I think her appetite must finally be catching up on her. In any case, decided to make some mee hoon, which was not exactly enhanced by the fact that the meat was as good as busoh, and scarcely edible—though Bev ate it, and claimed to like it, and then pleaded to be allowed to go and see Phil, as she would only have tonight and tomorrow, so, rather than have another argument, I let her go, on the condition that it was tonight or Kiel next month. Then took her down, to the Wimpy bar again—that costs far too much money—and then in, said hello, and saw some rather crappy photos another photographer had bought [sic] in—which for some reason, probably because there weren't too many, they bought. Then back home and got my exposure and other notebooks into order, which took me until about midnight, and then worrying about Bev, off to the Crazy, where all were just packing up, and so took Bruno, Ade and Phil with the birds and Bev back home—8 in that little thing! I don't know how we fitted them all in, though I don't suppose it was more than getting 14 into the ID. Just makes you wonder what's happening to the springs. Then interpreted for Ade for a while telling a bird where she could go and that if she was [sic] lucky, she could sleep with him tonight. Then down to the Top 10, and back again without the bird he was looking for—the other one had been washing his shirts. That bloke is a bastard to women.

Saturday, 30 December 1967 HH
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Up very late today, mainly because I didn't sleep very well, which in turn was due to the fact that I didn't have the sleeping bag, and had to make do with the eiderdown. Still, got up eventually round 1230, and quickly dressed and down to Bolle to get some food for this second long weekend in a row, and all I bought was some meat and veg—grotty paprika for only 20pf, which is much better for my purposes than the good stuff. Back home, and Bev was just coming round, and so I had a bite to eat—after Bev's Sonderleistung yesterday, she is now taking it easy, and did without breakfast. Did little—just sat around and read, and carried on with my files. I really must get down to my (NH₄)₂S group, so that I can do my Kolloq before I get a little warning from Nast saying that he knows somebody else who can make better use of my Arbeitsplatz. But this next Halbsemester I am really going to make up for this half, and then carry on thus. It really makes me feel sick, looking back on it, to see how little I have done.

Then decided that, before the year was out, I might as well dispose of all excess undeveloped films, including old S66, which I found in my fresh films box—God only knows what it was doing there, apart from suffering from latent image fade. Loaded my last 2 undeveloped CEs into tanks, and developed them, and quite well they came out, except for the S32, which Mum had fogged by pulling out the leader about 9 months ago, while I was at OBS.

This finished, I followed Bev's suit and had a bath, and then out again to hang the films up to dry, and after that, Bev decided to go to the Crazy, to make a change, and I set to my diary for yesterday, and finished it a bit after she had left, and cooked myself some mah mee, which, if I say it myself, was good, definitely one of my better efforts. Ate more than I should, because it tasted so good. Then set to printing all the photos which are wanted for tomorrow, and this took me quite a while, though much faster than I ever did them in KCT. In the middle of it, decided some of my negs were too hard, and made up some Centrabrom, which certainly gave better results. Then stuck them in to wash, and off to the Crazy, and had a chat with Phil, who was not with Bev. Knocked down by Rudi because I didn't want any drinks, and was nearly strangled by another bastard when I got up to clobber him. Threatened to take both to the police, but the bastard apologised, so off round town, later taking Vic and Phil to the station and home, and then home ourselves—car really put up a show for Phil, who is nevertheless thinking of buying one of the things.

Sunday, 31 December 1967 HH
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Up today very late, mainly deliberately, because I knew that we would not get anything like an early night, and so not up until 1320, which Bev, in her characteristic way, did not believe when I told her. Had little to eat, and let her warm up the rest of the mee which I made yesterday, to which she insisted on adding an egg, which did nothing for the appearance of the thing. Then she swore, and said something about having a date with Phil—I like the way she gives me such a lot of warning, and I'm also not particularly happy about her getting round with such blokes. In any case, gave her the job of tidying up all her stuff, which she did very quickly, and not really to my satisfaction, but I am fed up with all these arguments. Next time she comes here, I shall get some terms of reference from Mum and Dad about it all—anyway, I suppose fairly soon she ought to begin spending some time in France, if she wants to go to the Sorbonne.

Then she was off, and I loaded my last film of 1967, and after such complications as no stop bath, and gutrot, I finally got down and developed it, and followed it by numbering all the photos for the group (in fact, I didn't, deciding that I would let them fight it out, as all was OK for me as long as I got my money. Reading my 1968 horoscope, which Frau Plehn showed me—financial predictions seem very likely. Then off to the flat, where Bärbel was, so I didn't show the photos round. The blokes were all broke, so I decided to come around tomorrow morning to collect the money, after they had got there [sic] full pay. Took Bru, Ade and Bärbel round to the KB, where I myself had a Bratwurst, and then off home, tidying up a bit, getting dressed, and listening to the „Merry Widow“, which apparently has something to do with the end of the year. Then off, and picked Bev up, and along to the place—what are these people called? The only people whose names I know are Willy and Uwe. In any case, right then it was pretty tame, and so I got myself a glass of bier at the Faß, and then sat down, was introduced to a finnish girl, who really looked the end, and so left her, and danced with another tart, who works at the NDR, and proved to be attached to Willy, who was messing around with his camera—I am sick of cameras, and probably will not touch one for at least a week. Bev got bored stiff, Uwe insisted on taking her to his place (thought she was sick), but eventually we loaded her on the train at Othmarschen Bahnhof, and back to the place just in time for ...

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