Greg's links
Greg's diary
Photo index
Greg's home page
Network link stats
Greg's other links
Copyright information

In the course of time I have accumulated a number of pages of varying content. Some are very popular (my online diary, for example), while others are of limited interest to anybody, possibly including me. In the course of time, though, I've found it difficult to keep track of them, so here is an overview. Many of these pages are themselves indices of other pages, some of them offsite.

This page is obsolescent. I'm still trying to work out how to present stuff of interest both to me and to others separately from stuff of interest just to me. If you run into a dead offsite link, please let me know. I get informed automatically of dead on-site links.

The favourites

These are the pages that get the most hits. They're arranged in descending order of interest, as determined by the accumulated number of hits on 27 December 2004. I don't intend to rearrange them unless they become obviously uninteresting.

My home page. My photos.
My beer brewing pages. My hardware and software environment.
My diary My musical instrument collection.
My domestic water supply. My cousin Osama bin Lehey.
My cooking recipes. My experiences with products and services.
List of troublesome telemarketeers. Email

Other popular pages

Greg's résumé. Yvonne Lehey's home page Greg's cats
Greg's programs and hacks Greg's HOWTOs Video recorder project
Software evaluation Greg's books Greg's random thoughts
Telstra service in the Adelaide Hills Electricity supply in rural Victoria Weather in Dereel
Greg's satellite link statistics

Greg's rants

Why I hate reverse order documents Why I don't use term “windows” for Microsoft products.
Bad language in modern computer usage Breakage in Microsoft's mail handling
What I want from a GUI


Applications for UnixWare (historical) Greg's papers
The FreeBSD SMPng implementation. FreeBSD commit statistics Samba build farm
Plan 9 utilities Robert Watson's source cross-references RAID links
Version tracker (Apple) Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures Mike Smith Memorial Room
RPM finder Debian packages site Unofficial APT repositories
apt for SuSe IBM download site

Net resources

LEMIS mail is broken. Using Internet Mail XHTML reference
How major ISPs handle spam Disk data recovery Telstra's ADSL link page
How these web pages are prepared. How to make web pages out of photos Free Software Celebrities
The Jargon Lexicon, contents Photography links Geography links

Miscellaneous topics

How the Germans discovered Sex Documentation Greg's SCO commentary pages
Beer links Languages
New stuff Digitrex stuff Multimedia links
Keyboard information Greg's involvement with the Citroën DS

Greg's home page Greg's diary Greg's photos Copyright

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