Greg's setting up a system as a video recorder
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I started working on computer-based video on 18 September 2004, and in the course of time I've changed a lot of things. This is an old page with the last significant update in early 2008. I'm keeping it here mainly for the links.

One thing for which computers seem ideally suited is as a video processor and recorder. For some reason, people have settled on the abbreviation “PVR”, which apparently stands for “Personal Video Recorder”. I find that term silly: what's personal about it? The interesting distinction is between other form of video recorders, such as tape-based (VHS, for example) or DVD-R based. These are neither more nor less personal than a computer based video recorder. Since we need abbreviations, I'm calling mine a “Computer Video Recorder” or “CVR”.

I've had really bad experiences with all multimedia software, commercial and otherwise. I'm keeping a log of the pain I've been through, mainly as a place to keep my thoughts than a good description of how to implement a CVR. That will develop initially on this page. When it becomes worthwhile, I'll create a “how to” page and move the relevant parts of the document there.

Program Documentation

dvbscan tzap mplayer
Getting tv2 up and running

Web Documentation

transcode wiki MythTV wiki KnoppMyth home (maybe) KnoppMythWiki
LinuxTV various programs and things LinuxTV wiki Converting colour systems
VGA to workstation monitor FAQ (old) VGA to TV for Radeons IvyTV Wiki Luigi's Linux driver compatibility project.
Buenavista's DVB resources Curt Palme projector stuff

Technical documentation Linux DVB API V3 V4L2 API V4L2 driver writer's guide
VDR Wiki


Installing MythTV, by Jarod Wilson Official MythTV HOWTO Greg's MythTV on Linux setup (incomplete) Greg's MythTV on FreeBSD setup (incomplete)
Martin Smith's MythTV DVB setup guide Installing VLC on Fedora Tim McCoy's Linux DTV HOWTO Tony Houghton's TV-out HowTo
Installing MythTV on Ubuntu, by Garry Parker Installing Shepherd, by Groggy
Australian TV frequencies VK3KHB frequency tables V3KHB Victorian frequencies

Australian stuff

Australian TV guide Adelaide TV guide ( Shepherd Onlinetractorparts tv_grab_au
tv_grab_au_reg OzTivo IceTV OzMyth


Pioneer DVD technical guide (pre DVD+R?) DVD Video info from Video broadcast standards Video standards
ETSI download site ITU-R recommendations PAL standard MPEG-2 docco, North America


These references are things I'm collecting as I go along. Some of them might be useful.
DVICO DVB-T Plus installation details (Microsoft?) mplayer home page “To do” list for fixing mplayer VLC
lirc (Linux Infrared Remote Control) FreeBSD packages for video recording Brooktree driver
Christopher Pascoe's DVB code

Streaming video links

These are somewhat tangential to the topic.
Xiph (LS)3 Open Media Streaming Platform Matroska/ Web video and streaming media resources from Sorenson Services
FFMPEG (mplayer) HOWTO connect to Ffmpeg, etc

Other links

Log of my experiences links European DVB-T transmitters

Greg's home page Greg's diary Greg's photos Copyright

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