Greg's Olympus secret menus
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Background: all Olympus DSLRs and “mirrorless” (Micro Four Thirds system) cameras have a number of secret menus that can be displayed with one of a number of different key combinations. Since the introduction of MFT, the combination has been the same.

I'm mainly collecting links here. Better information at Biofos or Olypedia. this link may also be useful.

The following is for Micro Four Thirds system cameras. For the DSLRs, see below.

The sequence (taken from here) is:

Menu pages

There are four information pages:

Conjuring menus for Four Thirds system cameras

The secret handshake above only applies to Micro Four Thirds system cameras. For the older DSLRs,

Other links

Apart from the Biofos page from which I got most of this, there used to be a German language site

Martin Belan's page also looks useful.

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