Osama bin Lehey
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A number of people have made joking references to my beard, which reminds them of Osama bin Laden. Here are a couple of photos that I and others have put together:

Image title: hackers 03          Dimensions:          1536 x 2048, 400 kB
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All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, thumbnails          All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, small
Diary entry for Thursday, 27 December 2001 Complete exposure details


Osama /bin/ld is alive and well and living in South Australia.

Image title: hackers 04          Dimensions:          1536 x 2048, 368 kB
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All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, thumbnails          All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, small
Diary entry for Thursday, 27 December 2001 Complete exposure details


Wes Peters liked this photo so much that he made up his own story about it:

Have you seen this man?

Hiding in rural Afghanistan:
Osama bin Laden
Hiding in rural Australia?

Image title: hackers 04          Dimensions:          1536 x 2048, 368 kB
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All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, thumbnails          All images taken on Thursday, 27 December 2001, small
Diary entry for Thursday, 27 December 2001 Complete exposure details


The City of Birmingham seems to like it, too: they've put one of these images in a flash animation about their city:

Image title: cob
Dimensions: 549 x 483, 190 kB
Dimensions of original: 549 x 483, 190 kB
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They have later added it on their home page as well.

I'd think much more highly if they had asked for my permission, or at least responded to my messages on the subject. As it is, the City of Birmingham seems to be making the point that they're in favour of copyright violations.

The photo from my home page is pretty popular, too. Here's the original:

Image title: grog in office          Dimensions:          2048 x 1536, 765 kB
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All images taken on Saturday, 2 February 2002, thumbnails          All images taken on Saturday, 2 February 2002, small
Diary entry for Saturday, 2 February 2002 Complete exposure details


Kyle Martin did the following modification:

Osama bin Lehey

Another person of dubious origin put this up on fark.com:

Osama's space office

The original was once at http://www.maj.com/gallery/turtle1/fark/osamas.space.office.jpg, but it seems that US forces intercepted it.

I'd have been more amused if he had contacted me first.

Not quite related to Osama, this photo has also been used unaltered in a now apparently defunct site http://www.bloggerbusiness.com/testimonials.htm, where I'm called Nathaniel Griffith of Wilmington, Delaware. Again of course it's without my permission. My thanks to Hayden Oberin for pointing it out to me.

Osama Designs Better Way to Brew Beer!

Finally a reference which was done by Bruce Everett with my permission. He's joined various of my threads, of course, by referring to my brewing temperature control software.

Osama pardons Groggy

In May 2009 the ABC published a secret tape (now also dead) from Osama bin Laden. The bad news: he uses Microsoft “Outlook Express”. The good news: he's pardoned me.

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