This page gives the location, direction and distance of local phone towers
from Dereel. There's also a Google map.
The calculations were done with this Great Circle Calculator.
Location |
°S |
°E |
Direction |
Distance (km) |
Dereel |
-37.8185 |
143.739473 |
Willowvale |
-37.8599992656466 |
143.480816856065 |
258°26′13″ |
23.18 |
Cressy |
-38.0328135174848 |
143.608488690057 |
205°41′55″ |
26.46 |
Smythesdale |
-37.6580344944195 |
143.684741395296 |
344°53′17″ |
18.48 |
Meredith |
-37.8721 |
144.0243 |
103°29′29″ |
25.71 |
Linton |
-37.6902 |
143.5240 |
306°55′03″ |
23.71 |
Mt. Warrenheip |
-37.5766963384234 |
143.957382856119 |
035°33′28″ |
33.02 |
Mt. Emu |
-37.5872230253868 |
143.449275726148 |
315°07′10″ |
36.24 |
Rokewood |
-37.88836 |
143.7078 |
199°41′12″ |
8.25 |
This table shows the inclination of Kleins Road. Our house is parallel to it, as close as I
can judge, so we're pointing about 8°40' E.
Location |
°S |
°E |
Direction |
Distance (km) |
Kleins Rd, south end |
-37.81797 |
143.74033 |
Kleins Rd, north end |
-37.81297 |
143.74133 |
008°40′18″ |
0.5826 |