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This page is out of date. It refers to the installation I had when I was living in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. On 9 July 2007 I moved to Dereel, Victoria, but I haven't got round to updating the documentation. Watch this space.

The photo on my home page shows me in my office in Echunga in front of four computers and an X terminal. It was taken in February 2002 in the new office in the house extension we built in 1999. This is about the last time that I could get a photo taken of me in front of my “desktop”. Since then, the amount of hardware has increased considerably, notably the number of monitors on the desk. This page describes the configuration as of 8 July 2006.
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All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, thumbnails          All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, small
Diary entry for Friday, 7 July 2006 Complete exposure details
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All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, thumbnails          All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, small
Diary entry for Friday, 7 July 2006 Complete exposure details
Image title: desktop right          Dimensions:          2816 x 2112, 819 kB
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All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, thumbnails          All images taken on Friday, 7 July 2006, small
Diary entry for Friday, 7 July 2006 Complete exposure details


I have descriptions of older configurations dated September 1998 (two monitors), October 2000 (three monitors) and February 2002 (five monitors).

This picture needs some explanation. In previous versions, the main machines were visible; now they're not.

Three other machines are also visible, none of which have run for some time:

The X configuration

As you can see, I currently have seven monitors on my desks. They are connected to echunga and wantadilla, and they run 6.9, connected by x2x. From left to right, we have:

This gives me the following total resolutions:

Display Resolution Total pixels
wantadilla:0.3  1280x1024  1310720
wantadilla:0.2  1600x1200  1920000
wantadilla:0.0  2048x1536  3145728
wantadilla:0.1  1600x1200  1920000
Total wantadilla 8296448
echunga:0.0  1920x1440  2764800
echunga:0.1  1600x1200  1920000
echunga:0.2  1280x1024  1310720
Total echunga 5995520
Total wantadilla and echunga 14291968  1920x1200  2304000
Total X displays 16595968  1024x768  768432
Total, all displays 17382400

That's quite a bit more than the standard 768432 pixels of a “normal” display, of course—in fact, about 22 times as much. More interesting is the average display resolution of the X displays, 1843996 pixels. On a 4:3 display, this would correspond to 1568 x 1176 pixels.

Here are the X configurations for wantadilla and echunga.

The window manager

I hate “desktops”, if by that you mean lots of eye candy, unintelligible pictures and wasted space. I can read, and I prefer to do so. As a result, though I've played with things like GNOME and KDE (listed in alphabetical order, in case you're wondering), I stick to fvwm2. On occasion I've been asked about my configuration, so here's the current configuration. It's really (mainly) the live configuration

The keyboard

The keyboard is a Northgate OmniKey/Plus. It was the best keyboard I ever had, but after 8 years of constant pounding it wore out. I briefly replaced it with an Avant Stellar, made by a company who has now also gone under, but wasn't quite the same, and it had some issues with the CapsLock key turning on by itself which made it very difficult to use with x2x, so I had to go back to the OmniKey. I've since found two “new” OmniKey Plus keyboards, so things aren't quite as bad, but I suppose I'll need further replacements unless some company starts building well laid-out keyboards again. If you know where I can get a new OmniKey/Plus, please contact me.

Elsewhere in the house

Adjoining my office I have a lab room, for historical reasons called the Mike Smith Memorial Room. The most recent description of its contents dates from February 2002; I'm working on an update.

I also have a number of other systems in the house, including one for fermentation temperature control for my beer, and a couple for digital video; I'll update this page with more information later. The old pages also refer to networking infrastructure which has changed:

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