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This page is a brief biography of Greg Lehey, suitable for publication. It's subject to the same copyright as other pages on this server.

Greg Lehey was born in Australia and went to school in Malaysia and England before studying Chemistry in Germany and Chemical Engineering in England. He spent most of his professional career in Germany, where he worked for computer manufacturers such as Univac, Tandem, and Siemens-Nixdorf, the German space research agency, nameless software houses and a large user. Finally he worked for himself as a consultant. He returned to Australia in 1997 , where he worked for Linuxcare, IBM, Rocksoft and MySQL as well as continuing his consultancy.

In the course of 35 years in the industry he has performed most jobs, ranging from kernel development to product management, from systems programming to systems administration, from processing satellite data to programming petrol pumps, from the production of CD-ROMs of ported free software to DSP instruction set design. About the only thing he hasn't done is writing commercial applications software or understood Microsoft software.

He has been involved in the free software movement since 1989, and has been a member of the FreeBSD and NetBSD developer teams. He has also been a member of the FreeBSD core team and the President of AUUG, the Australian Unix User Group.

He is the author of “Porting UNIX Software” (O'Reilly and Associates, 1995) and “The Complete FreeBSD” (Walnut Creek, 1996 and O'Reilly and Associates, 2003). He retired in 2007, but is still active in the FreeBSD community.

When he can drag himself away from his collection of UNIX workstations, he is involved in performing baroque and classical woodwind music on his collection of original instruments, exploring the Australian countryside with his family on their Arabian and Peruvian horses, or exploring new cookery techniques or ancient and obscure European languages. Since retiring he has also tried to learn gardening.

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