Sasha (pedigree name Zoloto Pitch Black) is a Borzoi born on 25 April 2015. We got him on 28 August 2015, joining Nikolai and Leonid. He's the fifth Borzoi we have had since returning to Australia.
The relationship with Niko and Leo is complicated. He was bred by artificial insemination using sperm from Grand Champion Leicro's Russian Zoloto Zima, knows as Zed. Zed was the grandfather of Niko and Leo. So, despite the age difference, Sasha is their uncle.
On the other hand, Sasha's dam is Zoloto Vasilisa the Beautiful, the daughter of Niko's dam, and the sister of Leo's dam. So looking at it from that perspective, he's their nephew.
Sasha left us again on 8 August 2017. We decided that two dogs were enough, and we found a good home for him with Melanie Bahlo (sister of Christiane Bahlo) and her family.
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